In the late 1990s online shoppers were mainly
well-educated, high-earning, twenty- to forty-
year-olds. By 2003 online shoppers
represented a broader demographic, with an
average age of forty-four years and an average
annual household income of $65,000. Of these
shoppers, 50 percent were female and 50
percent were college graduates. According to
a 2004 report from the U.S. Department of
Commerce, in 2003 searching for product/
service information was the second most
popular online activity after e-mailing or
instant messaging and 77 percent of U.S.
Internet users age fifteen and older shopped
online. E-customers researched products and
services that they were considering for
purchase online. Their final purchases,
however, may not have been made online.
Several reasons are behind the reluctance to
purchase online. Studies published in 2003
and 2004 reported that 25 percent of e-
commerce sites do not display a phone
number clearly on the customer service page;
49 percent of online shoppers could not
readily find the answers to a question; and 88
percent of shoppers abandoned their online
shopping carts before reaching the checkout.
The Yankee Group, a Boston-based research
firm, indicated that up to the first quarter of
2003, the average conversion rate from
shopping in brick-and-mortar stores to buying
on e-commerce sites was just 10 percent.
E-customers' most serious concern is security
and privacy, followed by price, delivery cost,
return policy, customer service, site design,
navigation, one-click shopping, and
personalization. E-marketers must assure
customers that their sites use cybercrime-
proof systems to protect ecustomer
information and clearly display the security/
privacy statement on their sites. Competitive
prices, discounts, e-coupons, free delivery, and
standard return policies motivate initial online
purchases and repeat purchases.
Nevertheless, requiring too many mouse clicks
for navigating on a site, a lack of easily
accessible help, technical difficulties, and
requesting too much customer information for
purchasing goods often causes shoppers to
abandon their online shopping carts before
reaching the checkout.
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